extreme makeover: desk edition.

Well, we are officially moved and settled in to our new city. I found a job and started last Monday. We’ve had a blast so far…meeting new friends, catching up with old friends, and exploring the town. So far, it’s a winner!

When my husband was in college, he made a simple desk for his room with his brother-in-law. In our new place, we have room for it now so we got it back from his parents. It was very plain and had not been stained or painted, but it was a free desk, nonetheless. I figured with a little TLC we could turn it into a nice looking piece of furniture in our bedroom.

PicMonkey Collage

How to do the make-over:

1. Fill in any holes and gashes with wood putty.

2. Once the surface is dry, sand over the areas that have putty (either with an orbital sander or sand paper).

3. When you have a smooth surface, wipe down the entire desk with a damp rag.

4. Flip desk over so that the legs are in the air.

5. Apply paint to the legs and bottom of the base with the color of your choice. You’ll want two cans for this, to do at least 2-3 coats for a nice, even look.

6. After the paint has dried, flip the desk back over.

7. Next, you’ll stain the top with the stain of your choice.

8. Wipe the surface after applying the first coat with a dry rag, then apply a second coat without wiping it off.

9. Apply a coat of polyurethane for a finished look.

Stain color I used: walnut

Paint color I used: Satin (Valspar color)